Some people will say, “You can’t fight City Hall.” Of course, this is untrue; however, without skilled legal representation such as assistance from me at Pratt Legal Services, fighting city hall can indeed be a very difficult uphill battle. An especially challenging concern is that municipalities may have dozens upon dozens of by-laws in force and an appropriate defence strategy will vary depending upon the relevant by-law charge and particular circumstances of each case.
Municipal by-law offences to which I may be able to provide legal help include:
Possible By-Law Offences
Sign without Proper Permit
Cutting Trees Without Approval
Operating a Taxi without a License
Vehicle Driveway in Backyard
Unlawful Boat Anchoring
Business Contrary to Zoning
Depositing Snow upon Roadway
Shipping Container Storage
Structure Too Close to Boundary
& more
Committee of Adjustments: Who Are They & What do they Do?
What is the Committee of Adjustment? This is an independent decision-making group made up of citizens, appointed by Town Council under the authority of the Planning Act of Ontario, to make decisions regarding requests for variances from any of the town’s zoning by-laws.
I can help represent your interests at the Committee Meeting and help you understand the By-laws and legal process.