The Ontario Court of Justice hears virtually all provincial offences matters as well as offences against municipal by-laws. Examples of such cases include:

Municipal by-law charges relating to excessive noise, animal control, or garbage disposal; and

Charges laid under provincial legislation such as the Environmental Protection ActOccupational Health and Safety ActDog Owners’ Liability Act and the Trespass to Property Act.

Municipalities administer courts where most provincial offence cases are tried and they also prosecute most of these cases. If you have questions about court services or accessibility, contact the municipal offices shown on your ticket or summons.

Many relatively minor offences that are prosecuted under Part I or Part II of the Provincial Offences Act can be settled out of court by payment of the amount written on the offence notice (ticket).

General information about:

Legislation, Court Rules and Practices

The key piece of legislation is the Provincial Offences Act. See also Provincial Offences Act Rules and Regulations. Ontario regulations under the Provincial Offences Act set out the: